April Update

While in the States, we were glad to be able to meet with most of you face-to-face and update you on the ministry. But for those of you that we weren't able to meet with, here is a video version of our presentation.

Also, for those of you that like to hear a missionary preach a sermon, here is a message I shared titled "Salvation by Works".

Carpathian Mountain Outreach

Registration for Carpathian Mountain Outreach 2019 has closed, and we have a group of four applicants: Ralph, Nelson, Kade, and Cornelius. We are very excited about this year's team, and are praying that God would do great things in the lives of both our group, and also in the lives of those we reach.

On a practical note, there are a lot of CMO-related preparations that need to be done before things kick off on June 13th, and we would appreciate your prayers there. One of the bigger things that needs to be done is a scouting trip to the Carpathian Mountains, which will likely happen sometime during the week of the 13th of May. The goal of that trip will be to confirm our target area and schedule the first couple film showings.

Bible First

Over the past several years, we have been developing an website that will allow people to study the Bible First course online. While the functionality for online study is not completely finished, the ability to manage "offline students" is. (Offline students are people who get printed Bible First lessons through the mail).

Before we get too far with the online functionality, we want to make sure the offline side of things is working properly, and we are planning to migrate our students from the old student management application to the new Bible First site this Wednesday. Pray that everything will go well!

Good and Evil

This is not something I have been personally involved in, but God has recently opened the door for our ministry to get copies of Good and Evil into libraries across Ukraine. You can read more about that over on the Steele's blog.

Residency Permits

Our family is currently in the process of renewing our yearly residency permits. So far things are going well, but prayers are always appreciated!


Spring has arrived, and we are happily trading in our winter boots for sandals! The tulips we planted last fall are blooming, and vegetables are sprouting up throughout the girls' garden. Katelin and the girls are getting a lot of school in, and as of a few days ago, Jonathan is scooting across the floor. Look out, world! The baby is on the move!

Planting peas

Planting peas!