February Update

Good and Evil

Good and Evil is coming along nicely. Tolik recently finished translating the text, and now Josh and I just need to finish proofing it. About 1.5 chapters left to go!

Bible First

The two-week coding marathon that Josh and I did recently went well, but there is still a lot more work left to do. So for the past couple weeks, we have been getting together to work on the Bible First website three days a week, Wednesday through Friday. So far, this has been working well for us, and we hope to make as much progress as possible before CMO starts this summer.


This is where the code gets written!


Lydia now has her new glasses, and she has adjusted to them quite well. Next month, we need to go in for another appointment to see how much progress is being made.

Last, but not least, here is our new family photo! It was taken last fall, but I've kept forgetting to post it! For the prayer-card version, be sure to click over to the About page of our blog.

Family photo

The Day Family, September 2017